Auro-3D is an immersive 3D audio format developed by the Belgium-based company Auro Technologies.
You will find here some descriptions of my work in this company.
Audio Testing Engineer:
Responsible for the definition, implementation, execution and maintenance of (automated) test routines for various audio production software products (plugins, standalone tools, codecs & algorithms). This includes managing and executing the alpha/beta-testing process.
Investigating and documenting the various workflows and use cases with the professional user group. Managing the development roadmap for the Auro-3D Creative Tools, while maintaining close relationships with internal stakeholders, development teams and clients in various markets. Also acting as the second-line support for bug reports, feature and enhancement requests, etc.
R&D Support Engineer:
Acting as the second-line support for fixing bugs and create automated tests (C++, Ruby, Shell Scripting).
Streamlining build processes with bash/Jenkins. Maintaining installers/uninstallers with Packages/Inno Setup.
Web Developer:
Designing, developing, assuring security and maintaining support of webshop.
→ AURO-3D Creative Tools Suite Support Page
Music Composer & Sound Mixer:
Composing thematic music for commercial presentation.
Mixing and mastering commercial presentation (creating the entire video, including the visuals, animations and final montage).
Create commercial and educational movies.
Product Support:
Writing the user documentation and creating educational movies of the AURO-3D Creative Tools Suite product. Handling frontline support, technical assistance and training to post-production facilities in order to facilitate the roll-out of the relatively new Auro-3D technology in Digital Cinema.
→ AURO-3D Creative Tools Suite Reference Manual 1
→ AURO-3D Creative Tools Suite Reference Manual 2