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I encoded the album in AURO-3D and was responsible for quality control (QC).

Immersive version here: ➡️

The album reflects a journey of discovery, years in which the artist travelled Europe, lived, loved and learned in the most diverse cities with the most diverse people. Dave McKendry processes these experiences and realisations in his songs.
When he not only leaves his hometown of Belfast, but also gives up his ambitions as a musician, he sets off for a new life beyond the one he knows, packs his rucksack and gets on his bike to experience Europe in the truest sense of the word.
“HumanBeingKind” is a snapshot of the encounter between the man he once was and the man he is now!
Highly personal and disarmingly open and honest, the artist invites his listeners into his world, promising to let them get as close to him as possible!
It was clear to Dave McKendry early on that he wanted to translate this turmoil into immersive dimensions: “I write from the depths of my soul. I wanted the record to penetrate the depths of my listeners’ souls and meet them there. Immersive audio is, I was sure, the best way to do that.”
The Deluxe Edition contains the album incl. bonus tracks on Pure Audio Blu-ray incl. music videos and an interview as well as an audio CD.